Specializing in Adult and Pediatric Sleep Medicine

Now Open in Colorado Springs!
1710 Jet Stream Drive, #215, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Dream Sleep Center offers a variety of tests.
• Polysomnography ─ Diagnostic, Split night and Titration (CPAP, Bi-Level, Bi-Level ST and ASV)
• Home Sleep Testing ─ Patients get results the next day. No waiting and Dream Sleep Center orders the equipment.
• Multiple Sleep Latency Tests (MSLT)
• Maintenance of Wakefulness Tests (MWT)
Common Sleep Disorders
• Snoring and Sleep Related Breathing (Sleep Apnea)
• Pediatric Sleep Disorders
• Narcolepsy and Hypersomnias (Excessive Sleep)
• Insomnia
• Nighttime Sleep Behaviors
• Restless Leg Syndrome & Periodic Limb Movements
Home Sleep Apnea Test (HST)
HST is a type of diagnostic polysomnography which is self-administered by the patient in his/her home, making it a convenient option for many adult patients whose schedules prevent them from taking an overnight in-center sleep test, or are homebound due to illness. The Dream Sleep Center provides you with access to HST machines and supplies.
In-Lab Sleep Study
An in-lab sleep study, also known as a polysomnogram, provides our board-certified sleep medicine physicians with the most complete evaluation of your sleep. The in-lab sleep study records your brain waves, heartbeats and breathing as you sleep. It also charts your eye movements, limb movements and oxygen in your blood. This data will help our physicians make a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.
Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
The Dream Sleep Center specializes in and provides access to PAP therapy, supplies, oxygen, and nebulizers.
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If you can't sleep, you can't dream...
We are here to help.